View Profile HelloLilly

Age 33, Female



Joined on 2/16/09

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3,150 / 3,210
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5.93 votes
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HelloLilly's News

Posted by HelloLilly - April 1st, 2010

First of all watch this amazing master peace:


And second I didn't die like some people start thinking after my long remoteness from Newgrounds [XD].
I'm alive and this is not a lie. Kevin Bacon confirms it.

Posted by HelloLilly - December 28th, 2009

After months without posting here are some updates:

So, I'm now organizing a collab and soon you'll see the most random collab eva!!!

I also submitted a school work "A train from Magritte". My teacher showed us the games from Amanita Design and ordered us to make something like that but more simple. So I did this simple interactive game.

Happy New Year to all! :)

Posted by HelloLilly - September 29th, 2009

Hello there!!!

After 3 months of hard working I.S. - The Beginning is finally here on NG.

This is my longest and complex flash work. I believe we can see some improvement in my animation and drawing skills. This project made me discover the brush tool (as you can see, in the first scene of the movie I used the pen tool), the brush tool made me improve my art and now I can draw faster (and better?) than before.
But I still have to improve a lot so I hope the next part of the series would be even better for my skills improvement and for you, my Dear NG fellow.

Also, if you have talent for voicing acting, please PM because you can be the main female actress of the next movie.

Posted by HelloLilly - September 9th, 2009

This is my lucky day (or probably not)!!!


And don't forget new series coming soon!!!

Posted by HelloLilly - August 5th, 2009

Hello everyone!!!

As I said in my last post MFRS, ForNoReason and I are working in a new series. The name of the series will probably be "I.S. - Internet Security". In the beginning we were thinking to make just a movie but since it will be very big and we would have some trouble to submit it on Ng, we decided to distribute in 2 episodes or more.
The first scenes are done and the movie will be submitted (hopefully) in September.

ForNoReason is going to make the male voices but we also need a female actress. So if you want to join us here is a draw of the female character.

New Series Comming Up

Posted by HelloLilly - June 30th, 2009

Hello there!!
Here are some news about me since my last post.

1- In the last 2 weeks I have been working in The SuperHero Collab that was finally submitted yesterday (or today, I'm not sure). I made two parts. *EDIT- 10th place :D, it's my first time on the top!*

2-I and MFRS are going to make a new series together. He will write and I will animate. We are planning the story and we'll need some actors to do the characters voices. So if you have the talent to make 3 or 4 different (2 would be great also) male voices PM us and show us some of your acting. :)

Well, is unavoidable to do not talk about the death of Michael Jackson. Like it or not he was famous all over the world. For me he was a great musician and a magnificent dancer. He inspired and will inspire musicians, singers, dancers and everyone who just wants to parody is videos and/or his life.

So beware! Every full moon in the graveyard he shall appear... and dance!! with his zombie friends...

/* */

Posted by HelloLilly - April 24th, 2009

Hello there!!

After giving up Corel rave 3.0 and have a lot of blamed tests, here's my first flash animated movie where I really put some effort on because it was a school project. We needed to choose a product and make the marketing campaign. We could choose between a video and an animation. I chose the animation so I could submit it here. :)

I chose a perfume as my product and <irony> I gave to it a very creative name </irony> "Perfume".
Ok, that's not a creative name (it's not a name at all). But my basic idea is perfume that involves poetry and love. The slogan is "The poetry's fragrance" so it could be some kind of love letters perfume. <3

The animation is 20,8 seconds long, it has a lot of frames (in and out movieclips) and it took me 3-4 days to make. I think is a quite good animation so I hope you enjoy it.

Perfume Ad on NG??

Posted by HelloLilly - April 18th, 2009

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Miau miau miau miau miau miau miau miau miau miau miau miau miau miau miau miau miau miau miau miau miau miau. Miau miau miau miau miau...

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Hello Lilly

P.S. - miau = meow

Edit [04-16-2012]: Singing nyan cat song before it was cool.

Posted by HelloLilly - April 11th, 2009

Hi there!!!

Over these days I was working in a school project and is finally done. It's a commercial about 20 seconds long.

I would like to upload it here but first I have to show it to my teacher and after being rated I will show it to ya!!!

Happy Easter!!!

Working in a school project

Posted by HelloLilly - March 3rd, 2009

Hi... My nick name is Hello Lilly and I registered on NG because I love animation and one day I want to make animations like some guys here do.

Recently I upload my first animation - Interactive Age of Bronze - that I made for school (by the way I'm studying Multimedia). My teacher considered it one of the best animations in my class and I have a good grade, 18 in 20, is like a B+ or an A or something like that. It was made in Corel Rave 3.0, a programme that doesn't have any kind of action script and blocks up with a simple 10 s long animation.

Since no one liked my first animation (lol) I decided that I will never use Corel Rave again, and for now on I will use Macromedia Flash 8. So here is my other first animation, but this time in Flash.